Please report any abuse to, once we receive any report of abuse it is reviewed by our administrators and theĀ appropriate action is taken for the offending abuse.
WHOIS Inaccuracy
How to submit the complaint:
- Complainant needs to fill the Whois reporting form available at
- Enter the domain name and describe the Whois inaccuracy.
- Enter your name and email address on which you wish to receive our reply.
- Click to Send Message.
Process to address Whois inaccuracy complaint
- WebHero Abuse Team will send an mail to the Registrant of the domain name asking them to correct the Whois details of their domain name within seven days.
- If the Registrant fails to modify the Whois details or fails to update the registrar with the sufficient proof to prove that the current Whois details are accurate; the domain name will be suspended for Whois inaccuracy after 15-days.
How to submit the complaint:
- Complainant needs to fill the spam reporting form available at
- Enter the domain name and COMPLETE headers & body of the spam mail. Message headers & body are the most important proof of the spam and without it WebHero cannot verify the complaint.
- Enter your name and email address on which you wish to receive our reply.
- Click to Send Message.
Process to address Whois inaccuracy complaint
- WebHero Abuse Team will verify the spam headers/body to determine from where the spam was originated and the Type of spam.
- In case of compromised/hacked domain scenario and first promotional spam instance, a warning will be sent to the domain registrant. Subsequent spam complaint will result in suspension of the domain.
- In case of deliberate phishing, Malware distribution, the domain name will be suspended immediately.
How to submit the complaint:
- Complainant needs to fill the abuse reporting form available at
- Enter the domain name and the detailed complaint. Complaint should include details of abuse
along with the evidence to support it.
- Enter your name and email address on which you wish to receive our reply.
- Click to Send Message.
Process to address Whois inaccuracy complaint
- WebHero Abuse Team will go through the complaint to determine the type of the abuse.
- In case of compromised/hacked domain, a warning will be sent to the domain registrant. If the registrant fails to remove the unauthorized content, the domain name will be suspended.
- In case of deliberate abuse like phishing / Malware / 419 scam / Child Pornography the domain name will be suspended immediately.